
Lightweight WebGL/WenGL2 rendering engine
roadmap before 1.0:
About advanced rendering:
- [ ] Both TBDR(Tile Based Deferred Rendering) and Common Forward Rendering pipeline
- [ ] BRDF distribution via StandardMaterial
- [ ] Fully WebGL2 support.
- [ ] Read and display .gltf files
About basic rendering:
- Lights
- [x] Point lights
- [x] Directional lights
- [x] Spot lights
- Shadow
- Transforms
- [x] Basic object transforms
- [x] Bones system
- [ ] Animation Parsing
- Texture mappings
- [x] Diffuse texture
- [x] Normal texture
- [x] Skybox via cube texture
- [ ] Noise texture && generation
- [ ] LightMap baking
- [x] Render color, depth, stencil component to texture
- [x] Reflection && refraction support
About models parsing
Planning filetypes:
- [x] .obj .mtl
- [ ] .fbx
- [ ] .blend (not sure)
- [ ] .max (not sure)
About network:
- [x] Automatically handle async resources loading, including models, images and videos. You don't need to write some code like image.onload = ...
About Engineering
- [ ] More than 95% test cover
- [x] Using github workflow
- [ ] Build && test using pure node.js and typescript compiler, without gulp or grunt, webpack and bash , etc.
- [x] Generate a typescript declaration file .d.ts to support both javascript and typescript.
The MIT license.